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Know who you’re breaking ground with before you sign on the dotted line

Now more than ever, choosing the right company to contract with is crucial to the success of each project.

The Helix team can help you with project and partner assessments, utilising our varied knowledge and experience in the construction industry to conduct in depth business reviews, risk analysis and recommendations.

Chat to us about

  • Legal and financial business reviews
  • Financial data analysis
  • Contracting strategy and models
  • Project risk assessments
  • Regulatory compliance assessments
  • Procurement education and training
  • Online immediate legal history check
  • Ethical procurement verification

Out with the old ways, in with the new

When it comes to contracting we look beyond the rigid old-school rules, collaborating with you and your partners to explore different options for how to structure your contracts and which delivery model suits your unique project.

Our innovative and strategic approach is all about getting the deal structure that works best for you and sets your project up for success.

We also provide multiple options to assist with your due diligence workflow, from our self-service online search tool Diligence, to light or in-depth business reviews so you can understand the position of your contracting partners.

Scalable options for business reviews

We offer a range of options for conducting due diligence as part of your project assessment process.

Diligence by Helix

Get immediate access to any company’s legal history with Diligence by Helix, empowering you to make better contracting decisions; bringing together multiple industry-specific due diligence searches into one streamlined result that’s easy for anyone to use.

Try A Search

Standard Business Review

A Standard Business Review focuses on four main areas of analysis and recommendations, including Business Background and Ownership Description, Credit Worthiness Summary, Assessment of Suitability for the Specific Works Package, and Identification of any Adjudication or Court Proceedings.

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Focused Business Review

Focused Business Reviews encompass all aspects of the Standard Review and include additional features such as a Tailored Review Questionnaire, a Review of Financial and Management Data, and Comparison of Key Performance Indicators.

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UnitingCare Queensland works with Helix Legal for our all construction projects because we believe they provide the best value, quality advice and fantastic customer service. We appreciate the commercial and pragmatic advice from Helix which has helped us to navigate complex problems and proactively manage risks. Helix has developed a deep understanding of our needs and we value our relationship with Helix, which is key to the success of our projects.

Lavinia Dack | Former Group General Manager Property | Uniting Care Queensland

Different perspectives

We are a multidisciplinary practice which means we know that it’s not just lawyers that are needed to bring an informed and efficient solution to your challenge.

We don't sell time

We don't bill by the minute. We sell outcomes and solutions. Our approach is built entirely around your needs.

More than just the rules

We’re about collaboration and have a team of knowledgeable specialists who work closely with you during the process to deliver entire compliance solutions.

Innovation that works

We don’t just use new tools because they’re cool; we look to harness the power of tech to better serve you and keep costs down. Simple.

Get the full picture before you sign

We can help you make the right calls and set your projects up for the best possible outcomes.